Welcome to Northern Fashion Agency Ltd.
Our business has been built upon the many years of being involved in the fashion industry. We have a sound understanding of the needs of retailers, their frustrations and preferences towards sourcing quality fashion designs to meet the needs of the UK market.
We are aware of the lack of anything in the way of choice, real choice that is, for styles that are different to the offerings from the "Usual Suspects". It is our stated ambition to find you that choice and to offer it in selected locations so as to prevent the weakening of the brand identity. The chosen retailers will be given every accord in setting their territory to prevent direct encroachment by other shops selling our brands.
We understand and have empathy with the retailers selling occasion outfits who feel threatened by Bridal Shops who sell the collections for the mother of the bride as well as the bridal wear. We would not expect any bridal shop to take any of the collections unless they also have a large presence in the mother of the bride market already and more than a couple labels in stock.
Our first agency business is with a superb Italian factory based in Verbania on the picturesque shores of Lake Maggiore.
This is the wonderfully young at heart label of Antonella Tacchini under the company name of Granditialias Couture I have already supplied several outfits to one retailer to see how they go. It looks to be good so far.
Part of the problems of this industry is that forward order doesn't always work as well as you'd like. How many times have you bought a style only to see it hanging on the rails at the end of the season?
Remember the Paule Vasseur collection? In-season orders were the thing with that fashion house. You bought a select few styles and took orders from them as the season ran on, just like Bridal shops do with their gowns. You may not fancy doing bridal-wear but you must like having to take limited stock to place orders from though. Why commit yourself to tens of thousands of pounds worth of styles on the off-chance that next season will be better than this one.
As with Paule Vasseur, these new Italian Designer collections offer massive flexibility. Suits are not only suits. The jacket from one suit can be mixed with the dress from another. The sizes can be split so that the big busted lady can buy a larger jacket. They can even make a style from a customers own measurements. Dress and skirt lengths can be longer if needed and many other things can be changed upon request. Of course all of these do add to the price but it does give massive flexibility and a chance to sell something and make your shop look more professional than the one down the road who can only do sales of existing stock.
You can really take a suit and buy only the dress if you don't want a jacket. Maybe match it with a silk scarf to cover the shoulders or swap a jacket for a bolero. So many options are available to help you sell and make money.
If an outfit or style isn't in stock it can generally be made for you in pretty short order from 2 to 4 weeks but any urgent order can be taken care of more speedily, again at a small premium.
So what of the styles? Where are the pictures?
Apart from the collections of Antonella Tacchini (Granditalias) I am also looking to secure an agency with two more fashion houses. Both have caught my eye with the remarkable imagination of the styling of the collections they make. In fact they are probably both as good as you can get without a Chanel label on them.
One of them is Italian. The other under discussion is Spanish from Seville.
In fact as an update to this post, the agency has been agreed for this new label.
The company is called Antonio D'Errico and their styles are just simply WOW.....
While I'm awaiting a full price list for the forthcoming year I can advise that the prices are pretty good in comparison with other quality labels here in the UK. The above outfit has a resale cost, i.e. to the end customer of around £730. A retailer will know the mark-up generally applied and can work out the approximate price to themselves.
Production of the above would be around 60 days from date of order if not in stock.
These styles were taken from the lookbook by my Samsung Galaxy 2 in poor lighting so don't do them justice however it does show the general styling.
I just love them and will be showing their best styles for the UK market in the period leading up to Xmas and beyond. Like the styles of Granditalias, the factory has an ongoing production facility so the need for large forward orders is eliminated once more.
Having control of their own local factory in Italy means they can make whatever variations you want to any garment so you aren't restricted the way you are with conventional suppliers.
It's important to understand that the collections are in-season and orders can be placed all year long without a huge commitment to purchasing a large forward order as is the usual case. So a steady initial purchase followed by repeats as you need them is a great way to get to know the fashion houses concerned and to build a long lasting and fruitful relationship. You can generally also have previous season styles made if you really love something you can't be without.
Just drop me an email and let me know who you are, your company details and address and I can advise on when and where I can show the styles for your consideration.
This is a tremendous opportunity to come aboard an exciting new venture.
Finally if you are a retailer with genuine credentials you can drop me an email and I'll respond with our telephone number, or let me know yours and I can call you instead.
Finally if you are a retailer with genuine credentials you can drop me an email and I'll respond with our telephone number, or let me know yours and I can call you instead.
Sandy & Lynn