Sunday, 31 May 2015

Franc Sarabia 2016 collection

Following our appearance at London White Gallery Exhibition I have now got the full set of style pictures for next year. 
I say next year but I believe that orders placed early will be delivered towards the back of September. 
The styles are superb in looks and quality. These aren't cheap fashions, they are top quality, made from exquisite materials and compete with other top couture collections. They would be at home in any shop where quality and style are the keywords. Too many shops are selling the same sort of things from the usual suppliers and end up being caught in a price war. Competition is cruel when you have a shop full of stock all bought on forward order the previous year.

I must remind you that Franc Sarabia, as well as other collections we sell, are available on a low order value initially then just topped up as the season progresses. You keep control of the business finances easier as a result.

Anyway, without further ado here we go with pictures.
If you prefer to see actual pictures rather than the slide show just go to my website at

1 comment:

  1. I say next year but I believe that orders placed early will be delivered towards the back of September.
